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Empowered to Create

Advanced Level Manifesting

Coming again in 2025
Woman in wind

Transform + Revolutionize

8-weeks to learn and integrate the fundamentals of reality creation!You know the basics but I teach you how to go from knowing to being!!


I help you master the 2 pilars for becoming the master manifester of your reality where you create on purpose exactly what you want in all areas of your life!


Stop settling and stop suffering, you are not here to suffer! 


Got the job offer!

Traci, I truly appreciate your support, your patience, your teachings, videos and everything you do. It mustn’t be easy for the coach too…   dealing with people’s baggage. I appreciate what you did for me in the last session, I had a revelation the next morning when I woke up.


Everything aligned perfectly for me to get the job. My friend indicated me, she also helped me to do the CV, the interview questions were given to me beforehand, the job conditions and schedules are so much healthier and fair… I honestly didn’t do much than keep telling myself I already had it and showed up for the practical things that needed to be done like cvs, interviews, paperwork, etc

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