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Living in

the End

Advanced Level Manifesting

          8 Week Live Group Coaching


Feel like you should be seeing results by now but aren’t?


Master Advanced Level Manifesting And Finally See The Results You Deserve

With My Live 8-Week

Living In The End Course 

Discover how conscious creators break free from manifestation confusion so they can finally manifest their deepest desires- even if they’ve felt “blocked” for years!

If you’re anything like the many clients I’ve worked with over the years- you might be holding on too tightly and doing too much!


Actually, I can safely assume you struggle to let go and you’re doing too much. I know because I’ve been where you are. Lost, confused, frustrated, annoyed, wishing, holding on and waiting for the 3D to change. 


Feeling like I’d learned all I can about the Law of Assumption and yet my reality remained the same. 


It’s a common pattern I see. Toiling away at techniques, robotically affirming, mindless scripting, and the endless cycle of consuming podcasts, blog posts, or videos to find the “one thing” that will bring your manifestation to you. 


But that’s the problem right there! We know that when you’re manifesting you’re not really bringing anything TO YOU. You are choosing to assume it BEFORE there's any evidence! Raising yourself and your consciousness TO IT. To the reality where it is already fully formed, ready and waiting for you to get yourself together and recognize it. 


Affirmations and techniques can be such amazing tools!


But, when you are anxiously affirming from a place of lack and fear,  what you’re accidentally doing is confirming that you don’t have it. When you need 3D to change you're holding on not letting go and creating unnecessary resistance.


You’re falling prey to the 3D. You’re perpetuating an unwanted cycle and taking the illusion as real and solid and final. You’re allowing yourself to be moved around by, well, yourself. 


Remember the 3D isn’t the enemy. The 3D is YOU. It’s simply your past thoughts, doubts, beliefs, and fears. When you allow yourself to be consumed by it, believe in it, wonder about it, worry about it, and take it seriously, as fact and not fiction, you’re solidifying your old outdated belief system. Rather than letting go and living in the end of you new desire!


You’re allowing your old self to beat out your new current self. 


Why do we do this!?


Especially after investing so much time and energy to learn and grow.


Usually, it’s just because we still have some cracks in our foundation around manifesting in general. 


The good news is, you can change this.


In this community we’re about bettering ourselves, rising above outdated patterns, allowing old versions of ourselves to phase out and getting to the core of what reality creation really is. How simple it really is and can really be for YOU. 


Living in the end is the ultimate act of transcending realities.


It’s the ONLY technique you actually need. It’s the final step. It’s all the steps and no steps in one. 


In the Law of Assumption we know that to manifest something we need to BE it first. 


That’s literally it. 


Now, for most of us identifying the end is usually no problem. 


But staying in it? Long-term? When the echoes of the past seem so solid, so real, so permanent? 


Not so easy. 


But, when you solidify your knowledge about what’s really going on and you really own your status as the operant power, facing circumstances, fears, doubts, worries becomes a lot easier. 


When you’re solid, confident, and fearless, in your understanding of who you are you can persist. 


And this is when your reality can shift that much FASTER!


Having a community of like-minded people around you makes it so much easier too. 


This course is designed to help you live in the end fearlessly and much more effortlessly.

Meet your teacher:

Your Muse Image

Hi, I’m Traci!​

I am passionate about helping others transform their lives through inspiration and empowerment and using the law of assumption (among other universal laws and truths).

I've been on this personal journey for 10+ years and I've been coaching for 6+ years. I've helped 100’s of people remember the truth of who they are (the one and only creator of their life) and to sort through the programming and limiting beliefs holding them back from manifesting everything they have ever desired!

Your life is your canvas... if thus far it doesn't reflect what you would actually LOVE to experience.... then now is the time to do the work on YOU to truly once and for all change it.

Your life will change when you change.


Your Muse Traci

The Living In The End Course will help you strip away the fluff and debunk the many misconceptions floating around the internet regarding manifesting! You will learn the simple and effective truth that will help you get back on track, focused on the end goal, allowing real transformation and REAL results to take place.


Your Living In The End Course Will Include


Start Date: October 10th 2024

End Date: December 5th 2024

Live group coaching sessions: Tuesdays at varying times to suit different time zone - (calls are also recorded if you’re unable to attend live)


What’s included?

  • 8 comprehensive weeks of group coaching specific to “Living in the end”

  • 1 live group coaching call per week lasting 60-90 minutes.

  • Weekly emails delivering release of weekly modules 

  • Modules are delivered one week at a time 

  • Private account and login to access course material 24/7

  • Exclusive course materials include videos, PDFs, meditations, and additional content to streamline and expedite your journey 

  • Lifetime access to the course included- including future upgrades and additions

Course Modules: 










Creator Belief System

Discover the power of the conscious creator belief system and how embracing your role as a creator transforms your reality. I will guide you through understanding and adopting the mindset that you are the sole architect of your life. You’ll learn how to shift from being a passive participant to an active creator, capable of manifesting your desired outcomes through living in the end.

Feeling is the secret

Discover how to use your emotions when manifesting rather than ignoring them or fearing them. Discover how they are the portal to other realities- or the glue that sticks you to this reality. We will delve into the critical role of “Feeling is the secret” and how we can use this knowing to effortlessly anchor ourselves to the reality of our choosing.

Polarity, acceptance and letting go

Understand and apply the principles of polarity, techniques for practicing full acceptance and embracing life’s dualities, and strategies for letting go of resistance and fostering a state of allowing. When you stop resisting realities shift quickly - it's all waiting on YOU.

Creation is finished

This week will enforce the concept that “Creation is finished” so you can apply it in a natural and tangible way in your manifestation practice. I’ll help you grasp the concept that you are not creating anything from scratch but aligning with a pre-existing reality.

Facing opposites and staying in the end!

Learn to maintain your focus no matter what appears in your 3D circumstances! Discover strategies and methods that allow you to stay aligned with your end goal while bravely handling opposing situations and external challenges.

Practical Applications (How to do it)

Learn actionable steps and practical exercises to help you apply the concept of living in the end. You’ll receive detailed guidance on how to integrate these practices into your daily life to effectively manifest your desires.

Success Story!

Current Client Case Study

How Living In The End saved my brother from surgery!


“I have been working with the wonderful Traci for a little while on many different areas of my life. I have seen amazing shifts and movement across the board, but this one area has been one of the most incredible to witness! 


Simply trusting myself as the creator and living in the end has been one of the most effective and transformative experiences yet. 


This is how I successfully manifested my young brother out of terrifying and debilitating pain, unable to function or care for himself, and needing invasive high risk spinal surgery to slowly healing, getting back on his feet, and avoiding surgery. 


When the injury first happened, and we received the results from his MRI and additional test results, things looked really bad. Like really bad. The initial feedback from a doctor painted a scary picture. All I could focus on was this bright, healthy, vibrant young man suddenly robbed of the chance at a normal life. 


I have deep faith in myself as a creator and I had been working with Traci for some time. But when this popped up in my reality, I was very scared. I was uncertain, upset, worried, and emotional. 


I allowed myself to feel the fear, but I maintained my END. 


I went to doctors appointments, read the reports, and started shopping around for the best surgeons for my brother. But, no matter how scary the conversations became, how hard it was to see him in pain and hear his own fear, uncertainty, and hopelessness, I maintained that he was going to be okay.  That the 3D needed to play itself out , but somehow and some way my brother was going to make a recovery of some kind. This went on for weeks with many ups and downs.


Just when the situation looked at its worst, suddenly, things began to shift. The doctor he chose recommended against invasive surgery. And then my brother started gaining more movement back where pain and stiffness had restricted him for months. 


Now I can happily report that I have just received the text I’ve had my mind set on “I’ve been nearly pain free for 3 days”.


Thank you Traci for helping me learn the art of transcending circumstances, no matter how real they feel, and living in the end.”



What You Get To Look Forward To:

You’ve already sought out, learned, and tested  various manifesting techniques without seeing the full picture come into fruition. Now, you don’t have to drop those techniques if you enjoy them! However, this 8-week course has been created to help you boost your knowledge of the law in a way that allows you to actually apply the law to get results. 


Imagine your life more settled, calm, and confident, knowing you alone hold the power to get the results you ultimately desire.


Imagine feeling: 


  • Like an unstoppable force!

    • When you focus on your end, your mind becomes a powerful magnet for success, love, clarity, abundance- whatever you desire.

  • Free from the manifesting hamster wheel

    • By adopting the practice of living as if your desire is already fulfilled, you’ll effortlessly attract the life of your dreams. Free yourself from the constant striving, wishing, waiting. 

  • A profound sense of peace

    • By simply focusing on the fulfillment of your desires rather than their absence, you reduce anxiety and stress, creating a more serene and balanced life

  • Increased emotional resilience

    • When you learn to maintain a high vibrational state regardless of external circumstances

  • Unwavering confidence in your ability to manifest your desires 

    • Living in the end allows you to life your life to the fullest, empowered  trusting yourself, your potential, and transforming self-doubt into a knowing that you get to have exactly what you want



































Regular Pricing and Payment Plans include 3 options: 


You have 3 payment options:

  1. Pay in full: One time payment of $1299 via the payment portal 

  2. Pay in 2 payments of $699

  3. Pay in 3 payments of $475





Here’s What To Expect After Registering:


After reserving your spot in the Living In The End 8-Week Course, you will receive an email detailing:

  • Next steps

  • Course curriculum

  • Course overview 


Please be aware emails have a tendency to land in the promotions folder with Gmail users. If that is the case, add me as a contact for seamless communication. 



Your Expansion Does Not Stop At The 8-Week Mark!


While the live group coaching format is only 8-weeks, you will have lifetime access to course material PLUS access to future course reboots and improvements! 


This means you get to:

  • Continue this deep work on yourself- no matter what you’re manifesting next

  • Re-listen to helpful recordings of the live sessions

  • Revisit the course work, and 

  • Repeat the modules that help you the most 


Remember, the Living In The End Course is 1 out of 3 8-week group coaching sessions that are designed to help you master the foundational principles of owning your power and manifesting the life of your dreams once and for all.  


The live courses Living In The End, Manifest Your SP, and Empowered To Create give you direct guidance, answer the questions you didn’t know you had, and allow you to master the key basics (with some hand holding) so that you can navigate life with the confidence of the operant power you are. 


You won’t have any more questions. YOU are the only answer. All the power you used to outsource lies within waiting to be directed! 







I have some questions about the course before signing up, how can I get these answers?

No problem, you can send your questions to


I struggle to visualize or do SATS, would Living In The End even work for me?

Yes, this course will be highly personalized and  is not about pushing one set of techniques over another. “Living in the end” is more of state of mind, a space you occupy, a version of you that you step into. I teach you how to do this in the ways that honor your specific strengths. 


How will the live classes take place?

All coaching sessions will take place on Zoom. You will receive the session link 24hrs before the scheduled meeting. 


What if I miss a live session?

No problem, every session will be recorded. You’re also able to submit questions you want answered prior to the live call and I’ll be sure to answer them for you! 


What if I need more support outside of the live course sessions?

You will have unlimited access to the private community platform. There you can post questions and discuss topics with others in the course. I encourage everyone in the program to support one another through this journey and create positive momentum!


Do I get access to the modules all at once?

No, the modules will be released as the 8-week program progresses. I’ve designed the course this way to ensure you are properly absorbing, mastering, and implementing each week’s material. 


What if I can’t afford to take the 8-week course right now?

I have plenty of free content for you to consume,  I recommend you check out my:

  • Free Manifest Your SP mini course

  • Free 7-day “I Am” challenge

  • Youtube Channel: Your Muse Traci


Is there a refund policy?

All course fees are non refundable upon purchase.



Coaching with Traci was really the start of my inner peace. Traci managed to link all my bad or weird feelings to my belief system and from there on we could rewrite my old beliefs. Traci showed my my own power, to believe in my self and she really showed me effortless manifesting without technique all day long. Traci showed me to belief in my desires and dreams, which I was afraid of. This was the best purchase of this year for me. I have had succes thanks to Traci and her coaching skills in several parts of my life and more is to come!

2 weeks into the group program update - 

I am truly grateful for the transformative impact your program is having on my life. It goes beyond the specific person and focuses more on my self-discovery journey. I am giving myself everything! Traci, I am embracing every moment of this experience and I am doing the work, although at times it is messy, but it’s my rules! I can’t screw this up!


Thank you Traci for your guidance over the past two weeks, I've made significant progress and I can already see positive changes in my thought patterns -- catching the old programming and choosing what I want instead on the spot.  

Traci was EXTREMELY knowledgeable and very empathetic. She's exactly how she appears in her videos on YouTube. Some coaches seem very bubbly or sympathetic on YouTube and in person, they're expressionless or brusque. She has such an in-depth understanding of law of assumption and understanding how manifesting isn't about force but about being chill and living your life the way that you want.  


Yes what she told me was a game changer. She identified that I was still living in the "old story" in the split second I get contact from my SP even though I've been so focused on a good mental diet. She identified immediately where my thinking was going down the wrong road, but at the same time being very encouraging of my progress so far. I could actually feel my mind being blown by what she was telling me about my inner conversations. I also feel a lot more confident and relaxed in general about manifesting and I no longer feel as if I have to micromanage everything in my reality which was making me exhausted and not trusting my own desire. 

Client feedback

Working with Traci has been such a special experience! I first came across the law several months ago and while it resonated with me immediately, I did struggle to grasp and integrate the concepts. Then I discovered Traci. She has such a special way of explaining how the law works, how reality works, and who we really are. I knew that I wanted to work with her. She is a master at identifying my blocks & meets me where I'm at each session. She’s given me tools I’ll use forever on this journey

Client feedback
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