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Your Specific Person

Advanced Level Manifesting 8-Week Course

Couple relaxing near a pool

Does manifesting your SP feel impossible? 

Stuck manifesting the same unwanted version of your SP despite trying everything?


My 8-Week Manifest Your SP Course Is Designed To Help You Effortlessly Align With The Loving Devoted And Committed SP Of Your Dreams. 

Stop suffering and stop settling for anything less than your ultimate desires. 


Back in 2025

So, you want to manifest your Specific Person (SP)? 


Maybe you’re reeling from a recent breakup… or you're blocked… or you’re enduring months of no contact. 


Maybe you and your person had a big fight and you just can’t envision a way back to one another.. 


It’s really easy to fall victim to the illusion and feel like manifesting your SP is simply impossible.


But despite the seeming impossibility, you still want it so now you’ve dedicated your life to techniques. 


And no matter what you try, what you say or do, your 3D is remaining unchanged.


Does any of this ring a bell? 


Thinking about the other person 24/7, dedicating all your time to scripting, techniques, inner conversations, waiting, wishing, and hoping something in your external reality will shift to save you from the uneasy sense of lack? Or the fear that maybe this just won’t happen?


Techniques are great. They can be an amazing tool in helping you align with the perfect version of your SP.


But, if you find yourself panic affirming, and relentlessly doing techniques, fixated on the outside world… you're only going to keep digging into a pit of frustration and lack. 


I did all of this myself. 


I turned all of my attention and energy to my SP and thereby strengthened the illusion of separation. 


When I finally stopped sending my energy outside of me, refocused on myself, and mastered my position as the operant power, the sole creator, the only one calling the shots-


THAT is when I finally saw the shifts I had been working so hard to see. 


And spoiler, I got everything I wanted. I got my perfect loving version of SP, and it continues to unfold in all of the ways of MY choosing. 


But, it took me longer than it needed to and a lot of mistakes along the way. 


I don't want that for you, I want you to have an easier time than me. 


It’s not necessary to suffer months and years on end when you really know solidly and firmly how to do this. 


And surprise, surprise- it all starts with YOU! 


Not them.


They change when YOU change!


I created my brand new 8- Week Manifest Your SP Course to help you escape unwanted cycles once and for all, reconnect with yourself as a powerful creator, and learn how to choose and implement the techniques that will actually serve you rather than growing more resistance and lack.

Meet your teacher:

Your Muse Image

Hi, I’m Traci!​

I am passionate about helping others transform their lives through inspiration and empowerment and using the law of assumption (among other universal laws and truths).

I've been on this personal journey for 10+ years and I've been coaching for 6+ years. I've helped 100’s of people remember the truth of who they are (the one and only creator of their life) and to sort through the programming and limiting beliefs holding them back from manifesting everything they have ever desired!

Your life is your canvas... if thus far it doesn't reflect what you would actually LOVE to experience.... then now is the time to do the work on YOU to truly once and for all change it.

Your life will change when you change.


Your Muse Traci

My Manifest Your SP course finds and fixes your “blocks” from the root. 


When you turn the focus inward, build up your manifesting and self-concept foundations, you’ll see how effortless it is to watch your desires flood into your life.



Here’s Your 8-Week Transformation Breakdown


Start Date: July 25th 2024

End Date: Sept 19th 2024

Live group coaching sessions: Tuesdays at varying times to suit different time zone - (calls are also recorded if you’re unable to attend live)


What’s included?

  • 8 comprehensive weeks of group coaching specific to SP manifestations

  • 1 live group coaching call per week lasting 60-90 minutes.

  • Regular emails delivering release of weekly modules 

  • Modules are delivered one week at a time 

  • Private account and login to access course material 24/7

  • Exclusive course materials include videos, PDFs, meditations, and additional content to streamline and expedite your journey 


Course Modules: 












Align With Your True Nature as an Effortless Creator in 8 Weeks 


My 8-week Manifest Your SP Course is designed to break through limiting beliefs and blocks, solidify the knowing of who you really are and discover tailored manifestation techniques that work FOR you instead of AGAINST you.


Imagine emerging from this program 8 weeks from now with the stable unwavering knowing that you get to be, have and do anything you want. 


Create your dream life on purpose!



  • Approaching any and every life circumstance with the deep knowing you get to bend it to your will

  • Feeling confident in your power to create the exact life your desire

  • Returning the focus back to you

  • Never having to fixate on the external circumstances again

  • Always knowing that you have the final say, no matter what they are saying

  • Quick shifts in your internal reality and therefore your external

  • Learning to recognize your power in every moment and celebrating every single win no  matter how big or small

  • Dissolve your blocks completely allowing you to align with your ideal SP without anything holding you back

  • No longer obsessing over anyone or anything 

  • Freeing yourself from the endless loop of consuming LOA content to get the thing on the outside, only to burn yourself out

  • Escape endless cycles







Here’s What Happens Next:


After reserving your spot in the Manifest Your SP 8-Week Course, you will receive an email detailing:

  • Next steps

  • Course curriculum

  • Course overview 

  • Getting started guide

  • Community login information 


Please be aware emails have a tendency to land in the promotions folder with Gmail users. If that is the case, add me as a contact for seamless communication. 


Payment Options: 

You have 2 payment options:

  1. Pay in full: One time payment of $1299 via the payment portal 

  2. Pay over time: If you prefer, you have the option of splitting up your purchase into 2 easy payments of $699



This is more than a one-time course!


By enrolling in the Manifest Your SP Course, you’re not only gaining access in-depth training and modules to help effortlessly align you with your goals.


You are gaining lifetime access to course material PLUS access to future course reboots and improvements! 


Because remember, an SP isn’t just a romantic interest. So, even if you have already successfully manifested the SP of your dreams, maybe there is a boss, friend, family member, or coworker you’d like to recreate. 


And this course isn’t just about you aligning with your perfect version of SP. 


It’s about aligning with the perfect version of YOU. Your dream self, your dream life, your dream reality and state.

Working with Traci has been an amazing gift. After a year of playing around with the LOA concepts on my own, I decided to get serious about rewriting my programming and changing my life on a fundamental level. It's been challenging at times, but also so rewarding and Traci has made the whole experience, even the hard vulnerable parts, comfortable and pleasant. I am so grateful to her and can't recommend her enough!

Working with Traci has been such a special experience! I first came across the law several months ago and while it resonated with me immediately, I did struggle to grasp and integrate the concepts. Then I discovered Traci. She has such a special way of explaining how the law works, how reality works, and who we really are. I knew that I wanted to work with her. She is a master at identifying my blocks & meets me where I'm at each session. She’s given me tools I’ll use forever on this journey

Thank you so much Traci, you have truly changed my life. You are so wise and sweet and it meant the world to me how non-judgmental you are. One of my fears before booking the session had been Traci telling me this was unrealistic and to pick a more sensible SP haha but she didn't, not once. She made it all so manageable, logical and enjoyable and I will be forever grateful.

Client feedback
Client feedback
Client feedback


Know who your are! This is the essential piece that we start with - which makes everything else MUCH easier.

Self Concept

Your world is a huge copy machine or mirror - constantly showing you your concepts of yourself! You will learn how to create a new concept of self.

Parallel Realities

You are a quantum shifter by nature. I teach you how to do it on purpose to align with your preferred version of your SP!


I teach you how and when to use this powerful tool to change your past and effectively change your future!

Break the Cycle

I will teach you how to break out of your relationship cycle for good. When you understand how it was created you can easily break it. 

Your Emotions

Your emotions are one of the foundational keys for easy/effortless manifesting. I'll teach you how to process and harness the power of your emotions.

Traci was EXTREMELY knowledgeable and very empathetic. She's exactly how she appears in her videos on YouTube. Some coaches seem very bubbly or sympathetic on YouTube and in person, they're expressionless or brusque. She has such an in-depth understanding of law of assumption and understanding how manifesting isn't about force but about being chill and living your life the way that you want.  


Yes what she told me was a game changer. She identified that I was still living in the "old story" in the split second I get contact from my SP even though I've been so focused on a good mental diet. She identified immediately where my thinking was going down the wrong road, but at the same time being very encouraging of my progress so far. I could actually feel my mind being blown by what she was telling me about my inner conversations. I also feel a lot more confident and relaxed in general about manifesting and I no longer feel as if I have to micromanage everything in my reality which was making me exhausted and not trusting my own desire. 




How will the live classes take place?

All group coaching sessions will take place on Zoom. You will receive the zoom link via email the day before each scheduled meeting. 


What if I can’t make a live session?

No problem, every session will be recorded. You’re also able to submit questions you want answered prior to the live call and I’ll be sure to answer them for you! 


What if I need more support outside of the live course sessions?

You will have unlimited access to the private community platform. There you can post questions and discuss topics with others in the course. I encourage everyone in the program to support one another through this journey and create positive momentum!


Do I get access to the modules all at once?

No, the modules will be released as the 8-week program progresses. I’ve designed the course this way to ensure you are properly absorbing, mastering, and implementing each week’s material. 


What if I can’t afford to take the 8-week course right now?

I do have a payment plan offer for the course. I also have plenty of free content for you to consume,  I recommend you check out my:


Is there a refund policy?

All course fees are non refundable upon purchase.



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